Weight Loss: My First Setback

For the first time since starting to lose weight (and weighing once a week), I gained weight this week.  I gained almost two pounds (1.8) according to the Wii Fit Plus – which is how I have been weighing myself.  I’m not going to let it get me down, I’m going to work harder to see why this happened.  And I’m not going to get upset about it.  (Okay, I’m a little upset about it, but it really is motivating me to look at what I did differently this week and make the changes that I need to).

I know the first change that I need to make.  My diet.  I didn’t eat horribly this week.  But I went really wild with the sweets.  I did not limit myself and I did not do well with it AT ALL.  I am going on a sweet detox.  No candy.  No chocolate.  No jelly beans.  No brownies.  None of it.  I can find something else to make me happy without sweets.  I just need to stop.  I know that I can do it.  I may allow myself one sweet this week because I don’t want to restrict myself.  I just need to moderate, which I did not do.

Yeah, the sweets were out of control this week.  I know that I shouldn’t keep them around and I shouldn’t buy them or eat them from other people because I can’t control myself with them.  I had at least 2, more often 3-4, servings of sweets (which I should have maybe one of) each day this week.  I am sure that was a HUGE mistake.  And I know that it’s a little extreme to go to the other end of the spectrum, but I will build them back in slowly once I cut them out cold turkey because that’s what I need to do.  Clearly, I need to get sweets away from me!

In addition, I didn’t work out as much as I have been.  I didn’t do a single long workout this week.  And there was a day where the only workout I did was my Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown (and my gentle yoga, but I barely even count that as a workout anymore).  I usually do at least one, sometimes two, longer (hour and a half-two hours) workouts.  I am usually watching a movie while I do this and I enjoy it.  But I didn’t this week.  Partially because my brother was home and partially because I was really tired this week and I knew that I needed my sleep.

I know that my working out was not the cause of my weight gain this past week.  I know that it was mostly my sweet tooth.  Especially my inability to control my sweet tooth.  Could I have worked out more?  Yes, I could have.  Was it necessary?  Absolutely not.  Could I have eaten more sweets this past week?  Most certainly.  Did I already eat way too many as it was?  Without a question.

This week that is in session will be different.  I will be better about my food intake – cutting out sweets and giving my body the fuel that it needs instead of crap that it craves but does not need in any way, shape or form.  I can do this.  I just need to remember this lesson.

And, looking at the big picture, I am still doing pretty well.  I have been keeping my food journal for 5 weeks (my last weigh in was day number 36).  I have lost 6 pounds.  That’s a net loss of over a pound a week.  And while I would have liked to have said that I lost 8 or 9 pounds (which would probably be where I was at if I hadn’t indulged so much this week), I have still done well.  I am still at a normal weight (I NEVER want to get to a weight that is overweight EVER again).

Some weeks will go well and some weeks won’t go so well.  I need to remember that and I need to not beat myself up about it.  It will be just fine and I can lose the weight I put on this week and then we’ll see what happens from there.  I still have at least 15 pounds that I want to lose.  If I continue to lose weight at the clip I did this past 5 weeks, it will take me another 12.5 weeks to lose the 15 pounds that I want to lose.  That puts the date at (or around) June 20th, which is before school is over.  That makes me pretty happy.  Hopefully I can do this and keep making myself proud.

Have you ever had a setback in your journey?  Do you think that this is okay?  Do you think I will be able to bounce back from this without a problem or do you think it’s going to be harder for me to do it?

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